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    Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

    I practiced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for over 20 years, and many people found it helpful. However, some people didn’t seem to benefit as much or found the therapy too difficult. Over time, I began looking for an alternative, and am pleased to now also offer IFS.

    Do you ever find that you feel more than 1 way about the same thing? For example:

    · Really wanting to complete a project but finding yourself procrastinating

    · Committing to a new eating plan, but frustrated by repeatedly veering from it

    · Understanding that the things that scare you or cause anxiety do not actually pose a threat, but continuing to fear and avoid them any way

    · Looking forward to something, only to find that your health condition flares up and interferes

    · Vowing to do things differently in your relationships but finding yourself repeating old patterns?

    If so, I’d love to introduce you to Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS). IFS is an experiential therapy. This means that its benefits don’t come through intellectual understanding, but instead through your own personal experience. Thus, written descriptions of IFS will not do justice to it. Just like a photograph cannot adequately capture the power of a hurricane or beauty of a sunset; they need to be experienced in person.

    In fact, a description of IFS might sound a little odd. But I have found it to be a very respectful, powerful form of therapy that can lead to

    · Lasting change

    · Deep healing

    · Becoming less stuck in ingrained patters or with another form of therapy

    · Understanding yourself, and why you do things

    · Feeling less alone.

    IFS was created while working with people struggling with disordered eating. It gained evidence-based standing from SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) through research with rheumatoid arthritis. IFS is now being applied in many countries to a wide variety of things for which people seek psychotherapy.

    If you would like to read more about IFS, you can do so by following this link But the best way to understand more about it is to sample it. Why not request an introductory phone consultation to explore whether it might be right for you?